Andrew Greaves Public Affairs Ltd. is registered in England and Wales. I am the sole shareholder and staff member.


I have worked in the health care field for commercial organisations, including a spell with responsibility for public affairs across Northern Europe. My broad experience helps me to create public affairs programmes that integrate marketing and public affairs goals.


The following summarises my background in sales, marketing and communications since 1980:

  • 6 years in ethical medical selling

  • 6 years of ethical medical marketing experience – including 4 years running a marketing and brand communications team


I have a total of 31 years of communications experience (including the 4 years brand communications above) as follows:

  • 16 years’ experience in public relations in multi-national pharmaceutical companies

  • During 7 years of the above I was also responsible for public affairs

  • 15 years as senior account director in London-based public affairs consultancies


I am a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.